
Pointsbet Mobile App


The Pointsbet app provides Australian’s and more recently New Jersey and Iowa residents with one of the most in-depth online points spread betting services in the marketplace.


The app also offers fixed odds options too for those who prefer to stay more in control of their budgeting. The service has been running since 2017 in Australia and 2019 in New Jersey and Iowa.

The PointsBet mobile app combines a sleek black design with easy to read betting markets and promotions. One downfall is that they are yet to integrate quick login technology such as pin code or touch ID, but apart from that, the PointsBet app cannot be.

Mobile App Responsible Gaming. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, Support and assistance are available through Live Chat, by calling 1-800-BETS-OFF, or by texting (855) 895-8398. PointsBet features a very generous welcome PointsBet bonus for all new users (promo code: AG1.000), including the ones registering and depositing via the mobile app. The bonus offers up to USD 1.000 in Risk-free bets paid in four installments of up to USD 250 each.


New Jersey and Australian residents looking to bet on the app are required to register for a free betting account. This provides the user with a wallet to deposit funds in order to wager and receive winnings. Registration and more details can be found from the links below.

In Australia? Register here to join.

Downloading the Pointsbet app

The next step after registering is installing the app to your mobile device. This process for doing so differs slightly depending on what mobile operating system you are on. Dedicated apps are provided for iOS and Android users – details of which can be found below.

iPhone app

The iPhone app can be found directly from the iTunes app store. The easiest operating system to install. The app can also be installed to an iPad.

Android app

The Android app cannot be located in the Google Play Store. It has to be downloaded from within the Pointsbet mobile site.

Because of this users will need to ensure that their Android device is set up to allow app installs from unknown sources. This option is found within the security settings of the phone or tablet and needs to be enabled for the app to successfully install.

Other mobile platforms

Those people who use Windows mobile, Blackberry or another mobile operating system will not be able to install a dedicated app. However, the service is still accessible from any mobile browser thanks to the mobile optimised site. This can then be saved to the home screen, as a favorite or as a bookmark for easier access in the future.

Pointsbet app review

The first thing that struck me when I first installed the app was how clean and sharp it looked. The black background with white lettering and red icons made the data pop out, making my options clearly visible and easy to digest.


The structure of the app will look familiar to those who have been using betting apps for a while and easy to pick up for those who haven’t.

Users are presented with the live-action upon opening the app and from there can navigate to specific sports using the menu button located in the top left of the screen.

Australian users can expect a bigger emphasis on sports such as AFC betting, cricket betting, rugby and tennis on the betting app in Australia, whereas New Jersey residents will see the focus on the NFL and NBA for obvious reasons.

Spread betting

Few betting companies offer both spread betting opportunities alongside fixed-odds wagering. However, Pointsbet does. Spread betting can be more riskier than fixed-odds betting due to the fact big losses can be achieved. that said, the risk-takers out there like this method as the rewards can be much bigger when taking a more optimistic approach.

Here’s a video from Pointsbet themselves explaining how spread betting works.

The points bet app has more spread betting options than any other app we have tested. This included exclusive markets that users can’t find anywhere else.

Fixed-odds betting


The fixed odds betting service is also of a high standard. Bets are quick to place and the platform is safe, secure and reliable – even when major sporting events are taking place. Some betting apps have the tendency to struggle in busy periods. I have witnessed no downtime or lag in service at all throughout my time with this app.

Odds are clearly displayed, as are potential returns when a stake has been entered. The list of sports on the app is impressive. It offers betting opportunities to those who enjoy the popular and not so popular sports, games and pastimes. Pointsbet goes even further by taking requested bets that are not currently available, across certain markets within the ‘Name A Bet’ section of the app.

A Twitter account is needed to request a bet. Once a bet is requested to the Pointsbet Twitter handle, the particular selection requested will then become available on the app.

Customer service

The top-quality betting service is equally matched by the support team and options in place. On top of a help service consisting of FAQs is a dedicated customer service team.

The team can be emailed for help at any time and there is also a live help system in place that provides immediate feedback. Tap on liv help and a live messenger screen will pop up so that you can connect directly to a customer service team member.

Promotions and bonuses

Extra value is regularly available to existing customers of the pointsbet app. The majority of which can be found inside the dedicated promotions section of the app. These rewards or bonuses differ depending on location so it’s worthwhile checking in here every now and then to see what promotions are available in your region.


A great betting app that should appeal to lots of different betting styles. It looks the real deal, is easy to navigate and speedy to actually get bets placed. Lots of sports and plenty of markets attached to each individual sport, especially the popular and traditional regional games.

We are also expecting the Pointsbet brand to expand further throughout the United States of America. As more and more states pave their betting legislation and open up legal licenses, Pointsbet will be amongst many others queueing up for a piece of the betting marketplace.

I see the Pointsbet app as a solid contender in the online gambling world, especially in the particular regions that it serves. Feel free to let us know what you think by getting in touch on Twitter. While you’re there feel free to give us a follow. We regularly tweet out the latest news and app updates.

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Conor McCormick-Cavanagh
Conor McCormick-Cavanagh November 18, 2020 5:56am
PointsBet has launched its mobile app in Colorado.
Photo-illustration by Jay Vollmar; photos from Getty Images
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PointsBet, a sports-betting company that has already made significant investments in the Denver area, just introduced its mobile app in Colorado, where voters legalized sports betting a year ago.

'We’re launching with a product that’s fully realized. It’s not about who’s first to market, but who actually delivers the best product, and with a product that has been designed for the Colorado bettor,' says Johnny Aitken, CEO of PointsBet USA.

Pointsbet Mobile App Android

PointsBet's app has entered a competitive sports-betting market that saw over $200 million in wagers placed in the state in September, when the NFL season started. Since legal betting began in Colorado in May, fifteen other sports-betting operators have launched mobile apps, adding to a dozen in-person retail books.

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While there are plenty of options, PointsBet plans to differentiate itself from other apps by becoming the hometown sportsbook. The company, which has offices in New Jersey, Illinois, Australia and the Philippines, established its American headquarters in Denver in the fall of 2019.

Since then, PointsBet has announced exclusive partnerships with the University of Colorado, the Denver Nuggets, the Colorado Avalanche and the Colorado Mammoth. It's also established relationships with Ball Arena, Altitude TV, and Altitude Sports Radio.

Why did PointsBet decide to call Denver home?

'We conducted an internal project to assess every city in the U.S.,' explains Aitken, looking at 'quality of life, pathway to legalization of sports betting, favorable employment tax, access to tech talent, and sports market. Denver, Colorado, stood out head and shoulders.'

In November 2019, Colorado voters approved Proposition DD, which legalized sports betting and set a timeline for establishing the market, with most of the tax money generated from casino winnings earmarked for the Colorado Water Plan.

PointsBet has partnered with the Double Eagle Hotel and Casino in Cripple Creek, but doesn't yet have a schedule for opening an in-person sportsbook. Right now, the focus is on the app. 'From a consumer perspective, by the very nature of this being our back yard, we simply feel that we are going to have the best advantage of what a bettor in Colorado wants,' Aitken notes.

Aside from the hometown advantage, the app boasts some unique features, such as 'Name-A-Bet,' which gives users the chance to create a custom bet that can be created and quickly approved by staff at PointsBet. They can also engage in 'PointsBetting,' which allows overall returns or losses on a spread bet to be determined by how far or close a bet is to the actual spread. 'It very much resonates with the person for whom it’s not just about being right, but about being really, really right,' Aitken explains.

Pointsbet Mobile App

Pointsbet mobile apps

The app is available in Spanish, which works well with PointsBet's partnership with Telemundo. PointsBet has a deal with NBC Sports, too, so it also has an exclusive partnership with 9News.

And when it reopens for events, Ball Arena — formerly the Pepsi Center — will feature a PointsBet sports bar, complete with an outdoor patio, that will be open year-round. Next to the bar will be a VIP-branded PointsBet space designed for game days.

'We really want to make it fun and interactive,' Aitken says.

Pointsbet Mobile Apps

Game on.

Pointsbet Mobile App Download

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